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Managing Depression: A Self-Help Skills Resource for Women Living with Depression During Pregnancy

Managing Depression: A Self-help Skills Resource for Women Living With Depression During Pregnancy, After Delivery and Beyond

Authors: Dr. Dan Bilsker, Dr. Randy Paterson, Best Start Resource Centre


"This workbook is for women living with depression during pregnancy, after delivery and beyond; and their clinicians or service providers. It provides information about depression and healthy lifestyle behaviours, and skills for managing depression. Concerned partners, family members or friends may also find this resource helpful. It was adapted from the Antidepressant Skills Workbook. This resource is intended for: Women living with depression during pregnancy, after delivery and beyond; Clinicians and service providers working with women living with depression in one-on-one or group settings; Concerned partners, family members or friends.

Note that for most people with serious depression, the use of this self-help guide alone will not be sufficient to resolve the depression. People with serious depression should obtain treatment with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or antidepressant medication.

This workbook provides information for women about depression and healthy lifestyle behaviours, and skills for managing depression during pregnancy and after. Concerned partners, family members or friends may also find this resource helpful." (



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