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Mid-life: Redefining your Values and Priorities

What is Involved in Redefining Your Values and Priorities?​

Midlife is a time of re-evaluation. Your priorities naturally shift as you approach retirement or as your children grow up or when your parents die. It's a time to revisit what is most important to you and who you are becoming. The following quiz is designed to help you reflect on these changes. 

Complete the following sentences:

  • Most days I feel ...

  • I am happy when...

  • I dislike it when others...

  • I like people who are...

  • If I could I would... 

  • What I want most in life is... 

  • If I could live my life again I would... 

  • I have fun when... 

  • If I could change my life I would... 

  • I especially feel good about myself when... 

Now take a moment to examine what insights you have gained about yourself. The next step is to set some goals and develop a plan to reach your goals. The following are some ways to access what you really want and need and get moving on your ideas. List seven things you've always wanted to do - things that make you feel fulfilled when you do them and that you haven't done in the last several months.

  • Besides each of these seven things, note what stops you from doing it - something either inside (such as feelings) or outside (someone or something, such as lack of money) that keeps you from it.

  • Take two or three things on your list that hold the most joy for you, and think of one step you can take toward each to bring it into your life.

  • Mark your calendar with a date and a time that you will bring each of these activities into your life. Thousands of personal growth courses and books address how to know yourself better and get motivated to be all you can be. Personal coaches also specialize in helping you achieve your goals.


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