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Nutrition Support

Nutrition Counselling

Proper nutrition can change the quality of your life, whether it is just about losing a few pounds, increasing your energy, having a healthy pregnancy, or managing a serious health concern. A personal nutrition assessment with a Registered Dietician can help to determine your nutritional needs and customize the balance of food and nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, to your individual needs and goals. 


Nutritional Counselling is helpful for:


  • Creating optimal health and well-being

  • Weight management

  • Controlling Diabetes

  • Lowering Cholesterol or high blood pressure

  • Reducing PMS

  • Balancing mood swings


Consultations are available by phone. For more information about Nutrition Counselling, Contact FSEAP.


Your program may not include all of the services described here. Please login or refer to your benefit material for more information.

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