Child/Eldercare Resources
Child/Eldercare Resource Assistance
Finding the right care for a child or elderly parent can be stressful. EFAP offers consultations and referrals, information, resources and support for families.
Family Care specialists are available by phone to discuss your family care needs and will conduct a personalized search for child or eldercare services in your area based on your needs. You will be provided with the contact information and program/service descriptions either by phone, email, mail or fax. Assistance from a family care specialist can help identify community resources to help clients take care of their families, including:
daycare centres,
childcare services,
care for children with special needs,
home support services,
long-term care and seniors’ housing,
day programs,
heath services, and
social and educational programs.
The specialist may also provide you with tips sheets to assist you in choosing the most appropriate care option for your situation. Additional resources and materials may be provided to assist you in learning more about a particular individual need or care issue.
For confidential assistance or to learn more, Contact FSEAP.
Your benefit may not include all of the services described here. Please refer to your benefit material for more information.